Pre-populated Demographic Data

Overview If your Annual Plan is a Comprehensive Needs Assessment, census data will be pre-populated according to the federal poverty limit identified in the setup module. The following instructions detail how data is pulled from the American Community Survey to be populated in National PEARS. How to View Demographic Data from ACS Counties Go to … Read more

Comprehensive Needs Assessment vs. Needs Assessment Update

The Annual Plan will fall under the category of a comprehensive needs assessment or needs assessment update. You will be asked to select one of these options in the Basic Information section of the State Plan Setup. If you select comprehensive needs assessment will be prompted to choose the Gross Income Limit for this Plan. The corresponding data set … Read more

Annual Plan Project Copy

To ease the data entry burden, you can copy a project and all of its data from last year’s plan.  From the Annual Plan Overview, click the View All Projects button.   Click the Arrow Button next to Add Project Click Copy Previous Project  Click in the Select an Existing Project Box and select the previous … Read more

Word Count Limits in N-PEARS

Module 1 – Target Audience and Needs Assessment Section Field Limit Needs Assessment List the Stakeholders engaged… 500 Words Needs Assessment Describe the process used to determine… 250 Words Program Access List the areas of your State….. 250 Words Program Access What factors limit the geographic… 250 Words Program Access How can the SNAP-Ed State… … Read more

Print or Save a PDF of Your Work

The following instructions outline how to create a PDF of your work in N-PEARS to print or save. Print a PDF Save to PDF Print a PDF Google Chrome Navigate to the final review tab and click “PDF Version” A print dialogue will appear. Select your printer from the drop down options to the right … Read more

Annual Plan Budget Import

Import template The Excel template can be downloaded from within N-PEARS in the Budget Import section within the Planned Staffing and Budget module. You can also download the template here: annual_plan_budget_template. When should an agency use the budget import? The budget import section is optional. Agencies may input budget data directly into N-PEARS instead of … Read more

Final Review (SA)

After entering data for all modules, review the Annual Plan. The Final Review combines data from all IA plans and the State plan into one comprehensive view. This format matches the Regional Coordinator’s view of the plan. From the homepage, click Start Annual Plan. From the Annual Plan Overview page, go to the navigation menu … Read more

Review IA Plans & Request Changes

After Implementing Agencies submit plans, the State Agency can review IA plans and request changes. Each IA plan is reviewed separately. From the homepage, click Start Annual Plan.   From the Annual Plan Overview page, go to the navigation menu and select Review Implementing Agency Plans. The Review Implementing Agency Plans section lists each IA … Read more

Final Review (Implementing Agency)

After entering data for all modules, review the Annual Plan. From the homepage, click Start Annual Plan. From the Annual Plan Overview, go to the navigation menu and select Final Review. The Final Review section lists each module from the plan. Click the Review button to examine data from a specific module. Details reported in … Read more

Review State Plans & Request Changes

After State Agencies submit the Annual Plans, the Regional Office can review each plan and request changes. After logging in, the Welcome page appears. All submitted State plans are listed. To begin reviewing a plan, click View Plan. The Final Review page lists each module from the State plan. Click the Review button to examine … Read more