Executive Summary

The Executive Summary Module provides a high-level overview of the impact of programming on target objectives. This module should be completed last in the Annual Report. The Executive Summary Module provides a high-level overview of the impact of programming on target objectives. This module should be completed last in the Annual Report.   The Key Successes … Read more

SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting

SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting The SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting Section allows agencies to submit a record of expenses and finances for the current fiscal year. The SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting module has six distinct sections.  In SNAP-Ed Project Expenditures, the SNAP-Ed Expenditures for projects conducted by your agency are displayed. For agencies that do not have projects, you … Read more

Annual Report Data Import

To help save time as your team prepares the Annual Report, N-PEARS includes a “Data Import” feature allowing you to add required annual report data to some sections via an Excel upload. Note that this feature is optional; you can also enter data manually in each section of N-PEARS. For instances where you have a low quantity of … Read more

Annual Report Final Review: Implementing Agencies

After entering data for all modules, review the Annual Report. From the homepage, click Work on the Annual Report.   From the Annual Report Overview, go to the navigation menu and select Final Review.  The Final Review section lists each module from the Report. Click the Review button to examine data from a specific module.  Details reported in the applicable … Read more

Submit Report: Implementing Agencies

Before submitting the report, all modules must be reviewed. For instructions on reviewing the report, see Annual Report Final Review (Implementing Agency). From the homepage, click Work on the Annual Report. The Annual Report Overview page appears. Go to the navigation menu and select Final Review.   In the Final Review section, click Submit. The Submit page appears. To … Read more

Challenges and Modifications

This section gives you the opportunity to identify any difficulties you may have had in implementing your projects and nonproject activities, and what steps you took to overcome these challenges. Each of the three questions in this section are required. Once you are done inputting your answers, you can mark the module as complete using … Read more

Success Stories

The Success Stories module allows you to list notable success stories related to your agency’s SNAP-Ed efforts in the reporting year. This includes stories from PSE or multilevel projects and efforts involving diverse partners in collaborative work.    To report a Success Story, click the “Add Success Story” button.    Here you can give the story … Read more

Save Buttons Overview

Throughout the system different forms of save and continue buttons appear. In order to ensure that your data is being properly saved on each page, it is good to understand the function of each button. Below is a description of each button’s functionality: Continue button – the main function of the continue button is to mark the … Read more

Total Agency Expenditures

Overview The Total Agency Expenditures table is read only. Data reported in the SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting module are automatically pulled into the Total Agency Expenditures section to calculate your agency’s total expenditures for the year. For implementing agency (IA) reports, the SNAP-Ed Expenditures Total section reflects expenditure data entered for that IA. For State agency (SA) … Read more

SNAP-Ed Annual Report Process

The following list outlines the order in which each piece of the annual report will be completed. N-PEARS includes validation to ensure each piece is completed in this order. This list is provided for your reference, to help guide your submission process and timeline. See below for visuals representing this process. SNAP-Ed Annual Report Process … Read more