Save Buttons Overview

Throughout the system different forms of save and continue buttons appear. In order to ensure that your data is being properly saved on each page, it is good to understand the function of each button. Below is a description of each button’s functionality: Continue button – the main function of the continue button is to mark the … Read more

Add a New Evaluation to the Annual Report

From the Annual Report overview page, open the Evaluation Reports module. The Evaluations list appears. To add a new Evaluation, click Add Evaluation. Alternatively, edit existing Evaluations by selecting the Edit Icon.   To add an evaluation that has not previously been reported in the system, enter the name of the new evaluation and click Save.  Once … Read more

2024-01-18 – N-PEARS Annual Report Updates

Happy New Year! We hope 2024 is off to a great start. We are excited to announce a few updates to the annual report in N-PEARS that are now live.  Success Story Requirement waived   When the annual report first launched in N-PEARS, all implementing agencies were required to add at least two success stories. This … Read more

Add a New Project to the Annual Report

To add a new project or update an existing project, open the Projects and Activity Results module. Projects reported for the current year appear in a list. To add a new project, click Add Project. To update an existing project, click the edit icon. To add a project that has not previously been reported in … Read more

How is Data Entered into the Annual Report

Data can be entered into the Annual Report through three ways: Data that is copied from the Annual Plan into to the report Data that is added through the importer Data that is manually entered into the system. To jump to a specific module, click one of the links below: Project and Activity Results Evaluation … Read more

Troubleshooting Annual Report Data Import

Overview National PEARS offers a data importer to ease data entry. When an error prevents the document from importing, the system will provide a variety of notifications to assist with completion of the document.  Clicking Download file with errors will download a spreadsheet that notates the issues preventing the importer from completing. Hovering over the red … Read more

November 27, 2023 – The Annual Report is Live in N-PEARS (State Agency Announcement)

We are excited to announce that the annual report is now available in N-PEARS!   You can log in to National PEARS here: Below are a few details and important action items related to starting the FY23 annual report.   State Report Setup  Before implementing agencies or your State agency team can begin entering report … Read more

State Expenditure Summary

Overview In the Final Review, State agencies and Regional Offices have access to a “State Expenditure Summary” section. The State Expenditure Summary shows reported implementing agency expenditures and a summary of expenditures for the State as a whole. The State Expenditure Summary table is read only. Data reported in the SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting module in implementing agency … Read more

Total Agency Expenditures

Overview The Total Agency Expenditures table is read only. Data reported in the SNAP-Ed Financial Reporting module are automatically pulled into the Total Agency Expenditures section to calculate your agency’s total expenditures for the year. For implementing agency (IA) reports, the SNAP-Ed Expenditures Total section reflects expenditure data entered for that IA. For State agency (SA) … Read more

SNAP-Ed Annual Report Process

The following list outlines the order in which each piece of the annual report will be completed. N-PEARS includes validation to ensure each piece is completed in this order. This list is provided for your reference, to help guide your submission process and timeline. See below for visuals representing this process. SNAP-Ed Annual Report Process … Read more