August 9, 2023 – Multiple Data Sources for Target Population Age Groups

The following update is live in N-PEARS. This update affects the Target Population section in the Target Audience and Needs Assessment module of State agency plans. A screenshot from the system is provided below to illustrate the change.  Target Population Data Sources Update We’re excited to announce that the Target Population section in the Target Audience and … Read more

August 3, 2023 – Decimal Place allowed in Target Population “Finding” field

The following update is live in N-PEARS. This update affects the Target Population section in the Target Audience and Needs Assessment module of State agency plans. A screenshot from the system is provided below to illustrate the change.  Target Population “Finding” field Update We’re excited to announce an update to the Finding field in the Target Population … Read more

July 27, 2023 – Planned Staffing Data Update

The 12 impacted agencies were sent the following email on July 27, 2023.  Hello from the N-PEARS Support team at Canopy!  We’re reaching out with information about an automatic data update affecting your agency’s N-PEARS plan data. More details are provided below:  What data have been updated?The “Planned Staffing” section in the “Planned Staffing and Budget” module Why … Read more

Mapping Sites to an Area Type

Background In the Projects and Activity Results module in annual report, N-PEARS automatically codes each project site with an area type: Urban, Suburban, Rural, or Frontier. The following document details the algorithm that N-PEARS uses to assign each site to an area type, and lists the data sources used for mapping. N-PEARS uses Rural-Urban Community … Read more

Document PSE Reach

For the purposes of this reporting system, reach is defined as the unduplicated number of people who come in direct contact with one or more PSE changes at a site over the course of the year. Please report on reach at the site level only. Thus, if you are implementing multiple PSE strategies in a site, the … Read more

Annual Report Feedback Program

Overview As Canopy develops the annual report component of National PEARS, Canopy and FNS are offering the User Experience Feedback (UEF) program and Community Preview (CP) to gather user feedback about the system before launch.  The optional UEF and CP programs allow you to preview the annual report and fill out surveys to provide feedback … Read more

Annual Plan Budget Import

Import template The Excel template can be downloaded from within N-PEARS in the Budget Import section within the Planned Staffing and Budget module. You can also download the template here: annual_plan_budget_template. When should an agency use the budget import? The budget import section is optional. Agencies may input budget data directly into N-PEARS instead of … Read more

July 12, 2023 – Planned Staffing Update

The following updates are live in N-PEARS as of July 12, 2023. These updates affect the Budget Import and the Planned Staffing sections in State plans and implementing agency plans. A screenshot from the system is provided below to illustrate the changes.  N-PEARS System Updates Salary Column Text The column title “SNAP-Ed Salary, Benefits, and Wages (Federal … Read more

June 8, 2023 – Races of SNAP-Ed Target Audiences

This update is live in N-PEARS as of June 8, 2023. This update affects the Races of SNAP-Ed Target Audiences section in the Target Audience and Needs Assessment module. This update affects State agency plans only. A screenshot from the system is provided below to illustrate the changes. Races of SNAP-Ed Target Audiences Update Data in the Races of … Read more

June 7, 2023 – SNAP Participation

This update is live in N-PEARS as of June 7, 2023. This update affects the SNAP Participation section in the Target Audience and Needs Assessment module. This update affects State agency plans only. A screenshot from the data source is provided below to illustrate the changes. SNAP Participation Update SNAP Participation data is now pulled from column L (Calc: SNAP … Read more