Data Overwrite Warning

N-PEARS does not allow multiple people to edit the same section at the same time in a given plan. If multiple users are working on the same section of a plan, N-PEARS will send a warning including a list of the other users on the page, like the one below:
Data Overwrite Warning
This warning will not appear to the first user on the page until the page is refreshed. If you open a section and see this warning, the best practice is to reach out to the other users listed on the warning to coordinate your edits. This will help to avoid overwriting each other’s data. If multiple users make changes to the same page at the same time, the changes saved last will take priority and overwrite any conflicting data.
The warning message will not list new visits to the page until the page is refreshed. To see an updated list of users working on the form, refresh the page. Once other users exit the form, refreshing the page will clear the warning message.