Since the launch of the 2025 State plan there have been a few updates worth mentioning.
Copy Features – Planned Projects and Activities, Coordination and Collaboration
The State plan now has copying features for Planned Projects and Coordination and Collaboration. Projects can be copied over from a prior year’s plan, as well as any Partnership/Coalitions, Tribes and Tribal Organizations, or Minority-Serving Institutions. To copy data, there will be a dropdown arrow next to the button that is normally used to add new projects or coordination/collaboration. Select the dropdown arrow and a new option will appear to copy over the relevant data from the prior year’s plan. For more help with copying Planned Projects and Activities, see the Project Copy support article.
Updated Setup Section, Needs Assessment Update vs. Comprehensive Needs Assessment
The State Plan Setup has been reorganized. The Gross Income Limit section has been changed to the “Basic Information” section, where you will fill out whether your plan is a multi-year plan and whether it is a Needs Assessment Update or Comprehensive Needs Assessment. If it is a Needs Assessment Update the data from Modules 1 and 2 from the prior year will be copied over once the Setup is complete. If it is a Comprehensive Needs Assessment, you will specify the Gross Income Limit and corresponding data will be copied into applicable sections from sources such as the American Community Survey. Please note that you will still need to review the information in Modules 1 and 2 to make sure it is correct.
Coming Soon – Support for Multiple Social Marketing Campaigns
The State plan will support multiple social marketing campaigns to be listed for a single project, in the near future.
Thank you for reaching out as you encounter questions or issues, and please continue to contact our Support team with any questions or concerns about how the system works (, 785-789-3199).