Annual Report Data Import – Social Marketing

Template Name


Location in N-PEARS

Helpful Notes

Project name
 Project and Activity Results > Project Name
Unique numeric identifier for each campaign
Name of the campaign
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Basic Information > Campaign Name
The campaign’s primary topic(s)
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Campaign Topics
Must match the primary_topics under Social Marketing on the Key Mapping sheet. 
If other primary topic was selected, this is the topic specified by the user
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Campaign Topics > Other
Previous field must say “other” to use this field.
Highest stage of implementation
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Basic Information > Stage
Must match the stage_of_implementation under Social Marketing on the Key Mapping sheet. 
Language(s) used to deliver this program
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Languages
If other language was selected, these are the languages specified by the user
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Languages > Other
The type of scale of this campaign measured by the largest geographic unit use for planning.
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Campaign Scale
If multi-state media markets primary topic was selected, this is the market name specified by the user
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Campaign scale > Multi State Media Markets
If other primary topic was selected, this is the market name specified by the user
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Campaign scale > Other
Project areas for the campaign
Project and Activity Results > Project > Social Marketing Campaigns > Campaign Details > Campaign scale > Indicate the ___ to be covered by the social marketing campaign.