State plan Training Videos

1. Getting Started in National PEARS

This video provides general information about how the system works.

2. National PEARS Workflow

This video describes the order in which tasks can be completed within the system.

3. State Plan Setup

This video describes how to set up system access for Implementing Agencies, and complete other setup tasks. This video is applicable for State agency users.

4. State Agency Training

This is a recording of the live training provided for State agencies on May 24th, 2023. This training walks through the “prerequisite” modules in National PEARS: Target Audience and Needs Assessment & SNAP-Ed Action Plan.

5. All User Training

This is a recording of the live training provided for all N-PEARS users on June 8th, 2023. This training walks through the “planned efforts” modules in National PEARS: Planned Projects and Activities, Planned Evaluations, Coordination and Collaboration, & Planned Staffing and Budget.
FNS has created a Q&A document with responses to questions received during the All User trainings:
Q&A from June 2023 All User Trainings