What is the difference between PEARS and N-PEARS?

PEARS and National PEARS (N-PEARS) are separate online systems for SNAP-Ed reporting. More details about both systems and the differences between them are provided below. What is the system used for? PEARS collects program data at a granular level to help agencies evaluate their work, analyze their impacts, and aggregate data for reporting. N-PEARS focuses … Read more

Reset/Forgot Password

The following article details how to update your password.  Forgot Password Reset Password Forgot Password On the login screen click Forgot Password. Enter your email and click Reset My Password. You will receive an email. Click Change Password. Enter a new password and verify it. Click Change Password. Reset Password Click your name in the lower … Read more

State plan Training Videos

1. Getting Started in National PEARS This video provides general information about how the system works. https://youtu.be/glApvdKOAeM 2. National PEARS Workflow This video describes the order in which tasks can be completed within the system. https://youtu.be/agFk5ZhgFL0 3. State Plan Setup This video describes how to set up system access for Implementing Agencies, and complete other … Read more


The following symbols appear throughout the National PEARS system. Symbol Definition Not Started / Not Yet Viewed Viewed In Progress Completed Requested Changes

N-PEARS Components

Many forms within the system include a simple list of textboxes or multiple-choice fields. Some forms include more complex components to structure the data effectively. The following article outlines how to use the more complex form structures within the system. These components are repeated throughout the system. This article provides one example of each component. A list … Read more

Field Types

This article describes the types of data entry fields included in the National PEARS system. Conditional Fields Some fields only appear if certain responses are selected in previous fields.  Example: The textbox to describe adaptations only appears if the intervention will be adapted. Date Range Dates may be selected from the calendar provided.  Drop-down List … Read more

Direct Cost Category Definitions

Salaries/benefits Salaries/benefits of personnel involved in SNAP-Ed and administrative support. Noncapital equipment/office supplies Includes office equipment, supplies, postage, and duplication costs necessary to carry out project objectives. Nutrition education materials Includes the development and production of SNAP-Ed materials when no other appropriate materials exist. Travel Includes charges for travel necessary to fulfill the approved plan. Cost of using publicly … Read more